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AquaLife SALT for Ponds

AquaLife SALT for Ponds | Aqualife

AquaLife SALT for Ponds

Manufacturer: Aqualife

SKU: XAL8353-8354

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AquaLife SALT for Ponds

  • Essential for healthy fish
  • Enhances slime coat production
  • Helps control disease outbreaks
  • Pure salt and essentials for fish contains nothing harmful to pond life
  • Pond fish, including both goldfish and koi, require salt to maintain the proper electrolyte balance in their body fluids. 

Because the surrounding water is less salty than the fish’s blood, fish are in constant danger of losing vital electrolytes. Salt also assists in the production of the slime coat that protects the fish’s skin from parasites and pathogens.Pond salt may also be used for disease control in pond fish, and is effective against several types of parasites when used as directed.

Caution! Pond salt does not break down and is only removed from the pond by flooding (overflow) or water changes. In either case, sufficient salt should be added to compensate only for the amount of water lost or changed. If you are unsure of the dosage or of the volume of your pond, have the salt level checked by a pond care professional.

Overdosing may cause harm to plants or fish.


Add one pound per 100 gallons when setting up a new pond. This dose results in a salt level of approximately 0.1% or 1 ppt. 

Hardy pond plants can tolerate salt levels up to 3 pounds per 100 gallons (0.3%, 3 ppt), a level which is effective for treating some diseases. 

For treating stubborn cases, carry out treatment in a separate container and treat at 4 pounds per 100 gallons (0.4%, 4 ppt) up to a maximum of 6 pounds per 100 gallons (0.6%, 6ppt).


Store in a dry place. 

Not for human consumption. 

Keep out of reach of children and pets 

AL8353: 10 lb

AL8354: 20 lb