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Arctic blend

Arctic blend | AQUA MEDS

Arctic blend

Manufacturer: Aqua Meds

SKU: AQM001-002

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Arctic Blend™ beneficial winter pond bacteria

100% Natural Winter Pond Care Bacteria that thrives in cold water temperature!

Arctic Blend™ beneficial bacteria winter fish pond care prevents poor winter pond water conditions, losses, and stresses that can cause spring outbreaks of pathogenic outbreaks.

Why is “Arctic Blend™” the best winter pond care on the market?
Because it works!!

Winter fish Pond Care beneficial bacteria. Just one easy treatment every other week and your fish pond and koi fish will be in perfect condition in the spring!

  • Removes deadly Ionized Ammonia and toxic Un-Ionized Ammonia from your winter pond water
  • Removes toxic nitrites and nitrates
  • Works in very cold water (as low as 35- degrees F)
  • Beneficial bacteria reduces and digests bottom sludge all winter
  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system
  • Arctic Blend will not deplete the oxygen level in your pond water
  • Beneficial Bacteria reduces spring clean up
  • 100% natural, NO CHEMICALS, safe for pets and wildlife

The Gallon size has a “one-ounce” pump for easy measuring

The two most common questions about ARCTIC BLEND™

1- How does Arctic Blend’s beneficial bacteria remove ammonia from frigid winter pond water when it’s a known fact that “nitrifying bacteria” which keeps ammonia and nitrites at zero does not perform in cold water?

A: Here’s how it works. Arctic Blend™ IS NOT a “nitrifying bacteria”. Arctic Blend’s beneficial bacteria is formulated with billions of natural unique microbes that absorb the ammonia from your winter fish pond water. Then these unique microbes process the ammonia through their system, rendering the ammonia harmless to your fish. You never have the common “nitrifying bacteria nitrogen cycle” which is, high ammonia then high nitrites and at last, less toxic nitrates when using Arctic Blend. The best part is, Arctic Blend™ is 100% Natural!!

2- Why should I worry about the ammonia in my pond water in the winter months, my fish are not eating so they do not produce waste, no waste, no ammonia?

A: Your fish produce more ammonia by breathing than they do from their waste. So they are producing deadly ammonia all winter.

There’s More!

Some of the microbes that make up “Arctic Blend™” are harvested from the frigid waters of the Arctic ocean. These unique microbes make their own natural anti-freeze and thus perform at their peak in pond water temperatures between 35 and 52 degrees F.

You can start using Arctic Blend’s beneficial bacteria in the fall and it’s made for treating your winter pond water all winter. If you have any left over in the spring, you can use it until your pond temperature reaches 65 degrees F.

ARCTIC BLEND™ is the ONLY winter pond care product on the market that can remove ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphorus and digest sludge in winter conditions with water temperatures less than 39 degrees F.

Arctic Blend’s beneficial bacteria Winter Pond Care Treatment

32 ounces treats up to 5,000 gallons for Five months
128 ounces treats up to 20,000 gallons for Five months