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Jungle Fountain AcScents Gardenia Villa and Cleaning Kit

Jungle Fountain AcScents Gardenia Villa and Cleaning Kit | Clearance Items

Jungle Fountain AcScents Gardenia Villa and Cleaning Kit

Manufacturer: Jungle Pond

SKU: XJunFT202-XJunFK300

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Keeps Water Clean and Clear. 

Each fizz tab helps keep water clean and clear of hard water deposits, white scale, and foam. Water stays fresher longer with a gentle scent that makes the fountain even more enjoyable. 8-tabs per packet.

XJunFT202: Gardenia VillaL

Also Avaliable: 

XJunFK300: Cleaning Kit - (included in image) - Contains: 2-tabs 

Fountain AcSecntsTM Unscented, LimeOff cleaning solution 1.86oz, and 1 non-abrasive scrub pad.