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Landons Plant Fertilizer

Landons Plant Fertilizer | Fertilizers

Landons Plant Fertilizer

Manufacturer: Plantabbs

SKU: PLT1180-1183

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LANDON 7803 is a combination of both organic and inorganic ingredients that work in conjunction with one another to create spectacular results. 

It is a very ‘hot’ formula that requires very strict adherence to the directions for use. In using this formula we suggest that you combine the appropriate amount of fertilizer with soil and fill your container three quarters full. Add the tuber and cover with(unfertilized) soil. Cover with gravel and place in your pond.

Professional Maximum Strength 90 Days 

2.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 50)
This ratio is used to increase soil mass or pot size on completely undisturbed rooted, potted nymphaea for optimum results.

Full Strength 60 Days 

2.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal. Soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 64)
This ratio is used for nymphaea repotting using recently dug or uprooted plants with minor to extensive root injury.

General Purpose Strength 45 Days 

1.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 85)
This ratio is used for nymphaea repotting emphasizing germinating tropical tubers from resting state and including germinating juvenile rhizomes.

Seedling Starter Mix Strength 

1.0 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 128)

Marginal Mix Strength

0.5 oz. Fertilizer to 1 gal soil (128 oz. Ratio 1 – 250)

PLT1182: 2-OZ

PLT1183: 1-lb

PLT1180: 3-lbs

PLT1181: 25-lbs