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PD4P Concentrated Blue Lake Dye Packets – Dry – 4 packets

PD4P Concentrated Blue Lake Dye Packets – Dry – 4 packets | Colorants

PD4P Concentrated Blue Lake Dye Packets – Dry – 4 packets

Manufacturer: EasyPro


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The use of Blue Lake Dye Packets are safe for fish and part of an overall pond maintenance program for backyard ponds. EasyPro Blue Lake Dye will improve the appearance of pond water and help with overall water quality. Water-soluble packets can simply be tossed into the pond for easy application.

PD4P Concentrated Blue Lake Dye Packets – Dry – 4 packets
  • Blue Lake Colorant gives a true blue color to a pond
  • This nontoxic and harmless pond dye is for use in pond and lakes
  • Simply toss the water soluble packets directly into pond (use of disposable gloves recommended)
  • Waters can be used for swimming and irrigation once product is dispersed
  • Compatible with most aquatic algaecides and herbicides
  • Mixes quickly in combination with aeration devices
  • Each water soluble packet will treat 1/3 of an acre 3′ to 4′ deep
  • Will not stain once dispersed