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CrystalClear Muck Off CC040

CrystalClear Muck Off  CC040 | Crystal Clear

CrystalClear Muck Off CC040

Manufacturer: Crystal Clear

SKU: AIR188-191

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CrystalClear® MuckOff™ tablets are designed to sink to the bottom of the pond to quickly reduce muck and sludge caused from dead algae, leaves and fish waster. MuckOff™ easy-to-use tablets are a blend of natural bacteria and enzymes that help clear water by removing excess nutrients and reducing sediment. Use once every four weeks when water temperatures are above 50°F.

Muck & Sludge Reducer

  • Eliminates Muck & Sludge
  • Breaks Down Dead Algae, Leaves & Fish Waste
  • Safe for All Aquatic Life

CrystalClear® MuckOff™ Dosage Rates
Pond Size
(In Gallons)
(Every 4 weeks)
Up to 500 Gallons 3 Tablets
Up to 1,000 Gallons 6 Tablets
Up to 2,000 Gallons 12 Tablets
Up to 4,000 Gallons 24 Tablets
Square Footage = Pond Length x Width

Routine Application Rate

Apply MuckOff™ once every 4 weeks

Persistent Problem Application Rate

For ponds with heavy muck buildup treat at the prescribed rate per gallon above every 2 weeks until desired results.

For Best Results

Disperse MuckOff™ tablets evenly throughout the pond. Optimal Water Conditions: pH: 6.5 – 8.5, Dissolved Oxygen: 5 PPM, Temperature 50°F.