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KnockDown Defense Algae and Aquatic Weed Control

KnockDown Defense Algae and Aquatic Weed Control | Others

KnockDown Defense Algae and Aquatic Weed Control

Manufacturer: AIRMAX


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Cannot be shipped to AK, CA, CT, DC, HI, MA, ME, NJ, NY, PR, RI, VT, WA, or Canada

KnockDown Defense provides fast control of tough invasive weeds such as duckweed, watermeal, fanwort, hydrilla, as well as algae. KnockDown is an EPA-registered liquid herbicide that contains 42% of the active ingredient Flumioxazin. Ideal for controlling algae and submerged aquatic weeds in ponds and lakes. Effective in slow-moving or quiescent waters such as bayous, canals, drainage ditches, reservoirs, and marshes. KnockDown is versatile and breaks down quickly in water without accumulating in the sediment or clogging application sprayers. Best results when mixed with water and Treatment Booster Plus in a tank sprayer.

Application Liquid
Temperature Restriction None
Square Footage Per Container Up to 1 Acre (43,560 Sq Ft)
Shelf Life 2-Year


Dilute with clean tap water. When treating submerged weeds and algae, submerge the spray nozzle several inches into the water. When treating floating plants and algae, evenly spray rain-size droplets over the treatment area. For best results, use Treatment Booster Plus.


KnockDown Defense has no temperature restriction. Apply when weeds are actively growing. In areas with dense weed vegetation, only treat 1/2 of the water body at one time and wait 10-14 days before treating the remaining area. Do not re-treat the same section of water within 28 days of application.


Wait 5 days before using treated water for irrigation. Do not use in water utilized for crawfish farming. Do not re-treat the same section of water within 28 days of application.