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Plantabbs/Pondtabbs Barley Log

Plantabbs/Pondtabbs Barley Log | Plantabbs

Plantabbs/Pondtabbs Barley Log

Manufacturer: Plantabbs

SKU: PLT3524

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  • Made from high quality organically grown barley
  • Fully biodegradalbe
  • Provides natural food for fish and invertebrates
  • One 8 oz bale treats a 1000 gallon pond for up to six months
  • Supplied in mesh bag

Product is in a mesh bag with a foam tube in the center that aids the wicking within the log. The outer portion of the log has elongated straw which helps speed the degradation of the straw. 

1 Bale treats a 1,000 gal pond for up to six months