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PondCare AlgaeFix

PondCare AlgaeFix | API ~ Pond Care

PondCare AlgaeFix

Manufacturer: Pond Care

SKU: Aqp169A-169J

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API POND ALGAEFIX algae control effectively controls green water algae blooms, string or hair algae (Cladophora), and blanketweed (Oedogonium) in ponds containing live plants and fish. API POND ALGAEFIX algae control is fast-acting, controls algae growth, controls the formation of new algae, and helps resolve algae problems. Registered with the EPA, API POND ALGAEFIX algae control controls many types of algae in water gardens, ponds, and ornamental fountains containing live plants and fish.

8 oz., 16 oz., 32 oz., 64 oz., 1 gal., 2.5 gal.

Purpose And Benefits:

Effectively controls many types of green or green water algae, string or hair algae and blanketweed in ponds that contain live plants. Controls existing algae and helps resolve additional algae blooms. Keeps ornamental ponds and water gardens clean & clear. E.P.A. Registration #8709-8. Can be used in ponds with plants!


Before using AlgaeFix, make certain that the pond has vigorous aeration, (a fountain, waterfall or aeration device) especially during hot summer months. In summer heat, pond water contains very little oxygen.

In sunlight, algae and submerged plants produce oxygen, and in some cases may be the major source of oxygen in the pond. At night, however, submerged plants and algae actually consume oxygen. Decomposing organic matter also consumes oxygen, even after it is removed by the filter. Until the filter is changed, decomposing organic matter may still cause the oxygen level to drop to harmful levels if adequate aeration is not provided.

Therefore, when using AlgaeFix, especially during the warm summer months, adequate aeration is required to keep oxygen levels healthy for your fish. Do not shut off pond pumps or aeration devices at night! Aeration must be provided to pond life at all times.

Directions For Use:

To ensure accurate dosing, determine pond volume before use. Do not overdose. 

  • Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) for each 50 gallons or 0.25 cup for each 600 gallons of pond or fountain water. Thoroughly mix into pond water by adding near the pump outflow, waterfall, or aeration device. It can be mixed in a bucket and dispersed evenly around the pond. Repeat dose every 3 days until algae is controlled. 
  • Once algae growth is under control, add one dose per week. Weekly doses will control algae growth and reduce pond maintenance. 
  • CAUTION: DO NOT use with freshwater crustaceans including shrimp, crabs, and lobsters.


Do not use AlgaeFix with crustaceans, including: crabs, shrimp, freshwater shrimp, and freshwater lobsters.