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Nualgi Ponds Water Treatment

Nualgi Ponds Water Treatment | Nualgi Ponds

Nualgi Ponds Water Treatment

Manufacturer: Nualgi Ponds

SKU: NUP02-16

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NUP02 - 60ml/2oz 

NUP04 - 125ml/4oz 

NUP08 - 250ml/8oz 

NUP16 - 500ml/16oz 

ONE ML treats 1,000 gallons!!

An innovative approach to improving pond balance, Nualgi Ponds™ is built on a nano silica base with our patented formula of 12 essential elements that safely help restore the natural balance, improve water quality and control nuisance algae.

  • Engineered specifically to benefit the health of your aquatic plants and fish, 
  • Nualgi Ponds™ is easy to use, efficient, and yields rapid results.
  • Dosage:
    • I ml of Nualgi is applied to 1000 gallons of water once a week. 
  • Shake the bottle well before dosing.

Nualgi causes a controlled and sustainable growth of beneficial diatoms. Diatoms are unicellular microscopic aquatic plants that absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis. Higher oxygen levels in water enable aerobic bacteria to grow and breakdown the organics in the water. Higher DO level also results in tangible changes like cleaner water, reduction in BOD, lower coliform levels, elimination of foul odor, reduction in mosquito colonies in water and healthier aquatic life. Nualgi is also a substitute for algae control products and water clarifiers. Engineered specifically to benefit the health of your aquatic plants and fish, Nualgi Ponds™ is easy to use, efficient, and yields rapid results.


You should see less algae buildup on the pond surface and in the filter. Eventually you’ll be able to reduce the amount you feed fish. If you have floating plants, you should see them thrive and become more colorful. In all ponds water should look clearer with fish more active & vibrant.

Patience is important with Nualgi. Some ponds clear in a few days, while others can take over 4 weeks. If it has been over a month of dosing and you have not achieved results, please contact us to help troubleshoot.

In a severely eutrophic ponds, results will be visible by the first afternoon – bubbling up of oxygen, foul odor stops, Blue Green Algae may crash and float up, etc. Water may appear brown or turn green, but that is part of the biological process

Extract the appropriate dose and dilute in appropriate amount of water. It is important to know the volume of water in your pond before dosing Nualgi. Nualgi is dosed at 1ml per 1000 gallons per week in ponds with algae. If possible, Nualgi should be dosed early in the morning. For ponds under 5000 gallons with good flow, Nualgi can be dosed directly into the skimmer or the waterfall or some other area of good flow. For larger ponds, dilute the dosage in a jar of pond water and pour it in the accessible parts of the pond by walking around the periphery.


Shake the bottle vigorously and measure out the proper dose. Better to under dose than to add more than the recommended amount.

Physically remove dead leaves, debris and any algae that you can scoop out before starting the Nualgi dose. Learn more about opening your pond for spring on our blog.


Nualgi Ponds should be dosed every 7 days, preferably in the morning to maximize effectiveness.

You can use Nualgi Ponds throughout the winter and spring by following dosing on the label. Use reduced dose frequency as the water temperature changes. Below is a guide on how often to apply Nualgi Ponds into your water system.

40°-49° – Dose once a month

50°-59° – Dose once every two weeks

60°+ – Dose once a week with normal instructions

Nualgi Ponds should be dosed every 5 days where algae covers 20% of the Pond. Reduce dosage to once per 7 days after algae drops to 10% of the pond.

Gallons In Pond Max Amount
100 0.1 ml
500 0.5 ml
1,000 1 ml
5,000 5 ml
10,000 10 ml